Maciej Głowacki ·

My code, blog posts and other projects

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Sharing knowledge

Working as a developer means being a part of a global community. We all use open-source code and learn from free tutorials.

I try to give back to this community as much as possible, by sharing my knowledge with others. The one I’m most proud of? The 3-part long introduction to Unicode:

A Brief Introduction to Unicode for Everybody

Unicode Details for Developers

Fixing Unicode for Ruby Developers

I’ve also written about faster file uploads in JS , managing versions with git tags , using GitLab CI and more. All my blog posts are available for free on my Medium profile .


Full Stack Fest

Another great opportunity to share knowledge is during tech conferences. I’ve attended many meetups and conferences and always tried to give back as much as possible.

Becoming a speaker at an international conference is still on my bucket list. But I already tested my abilities when giving some lightning talks:

Faster file uploads in JS @ Full Stack Fest 2017 (EN)

Getting out of your programmer comfort zone @ Full Stack Fest 2017 (EN)

When not preparing for a lightning talk I try to help those who struggle to keep up with all the talks. I’ve been publishing notes for all the talks I attend:

In Poland I also try to contribute to the local Warsaw Ruby User Group, where I already did a few talks:

Ruby + Unicode = 😢 (PL) [from 0:31:00]

Is Crystal production-ready yet? (EN) [from 1:34:24]

Side Projects

Giving back to the community is great, but I have also been working on some side projects of my own.


octoboard logo

Open-source platform with web browser versions of popular board games.

This project started in March 2020 and is still under development. Go and see the source code on GitHub or try playing some games yourself 🎉

  • Deployments with Heroku and Netlify
  • Realtime communication with
  • Created with React and JavaScript


bitreport logo

Research and automation of charting and technical analysis for cryptocurrencies price action. Users could mention a bot on Twitter and receive a nice chart with an automated price analysis.

This project began in November 2017 and developed continued until September 2019. There are archives available on Twitter and the source code is open on GitHub .

  • Microservices architecture with Docker containers
  • Kubernetes for containers orchestration
  • Data processing with Time Series database (InfluxDB)
  • Twitter API integration
  • Charts and images generation with Ruby

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